Setting Up a Pre-Commit Hook to Verify Files Are Encrypted with Ansible Vault Link to heading

In this tutorial, we’ll set up a pre-commit hook to ensure that all files in the secret directory are encrypted with ansible-vault before allowing them to be committed to Git. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure.

Prerequisites Link to heading

  • Python (needed to install the pre-commit tool)
  • Ansible (for ansible-vault)

Step 1: Install pre-commit Link to heading

First, install the pre-commit tool:

pip install pre-commit

pre-commit allows us to define automatic checks that run before each commit, such as checking for encrypted files.

Step 2: Create the Pre-Commit Configuration Link to heading

At the root of your project, create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file to specify the hook configuration.

  - repo: local
      - id: check-ansible-vault
        name: Check Ansible Vault Encryption
        entry: bash
        language: system
        files: ^secret/.*$
        stages: [pre-commit]

Parameter Explanation Link to heading

  • repo: local : this indicates that this hook is local, i.e., specific to your project.
  • entry: bash : the hook will execute a script called
  • files: ^secret/.*$ : limits the hook to files in the secret directory.
  • stages: [commit] : applies this hook at the commit stage.

Step 3: Create the Validation Script Link to heading

Next, we need to create the script that will check if each file in secret is encrypted with ansible-vault.

  1. At the root of your project, create a file named
  2. Open the file and add the following content:

# Loop through each file provided as an argument by pre-commit
for file in "$@"; do
    # Check if the file is encrypted with ansible-vault
    if ! ansible-vault view "$file" &>/dev/null; then
        echo "Error: The file $file is not encrypted with ansible-vault."
        exit 1

This script:

  • Loops through each file provided as an argument by pre-commit in the secret directory.
  • Uses ansible-vault view to check if the file is encrypted (without displaying its content).
  • If a file is not encrypted, it prints an error message and returns an exit code 1, blocking the commit.
  1. Make the script executable by running the following command:

    chmod +x

Step 4: Install the Pre-Commit Hook Link to heading

Install the hook in your project so it runs automatically before each commit:

pre-commit install

This adds a Git hook that will invoke pre-commit before each commit.

Step 5: Test the Hook Link to heading

  1. Try to commit an unencrypted file in the secret directory to verify that the hook is working correctly. You should see an error message indicating that the file is not encrypted.
  2. If everything is working correctly, commits will only proceed if all files in secret are properly encrypted with ansible-vault.

Conclusion Link to heading

With this pre-commit hook, you ensure that all sensitive files in secret are protected by ansible-vault before being committed.